When I was asked to be the first male representative for Women in Blockchain Talks (WIBT), I'll admit I was sceptical. As a 24-year-old guy, what insight could I possibly provide? But the more I reflected, the more I realised my unique perspective could further the conversation around equality in tech.
Kornel KotWiBT Brighton Co-Lead

I grew up in a single-parent household with just my mother and sister, witnessing her sacrifices to support our family. She taught me the values of empathy and equity that still guide me, but more importantly, she taught me that a woman can do a man’s job and be more on top. I recognize many young men may not had exposure to such life experiences and although I focused only on the positive things out of my life circumstances, it is still more beneficial to grow up with both female and male parent figures. Regardless, many absorb cultural norms that are dismissive, even damaging, towards women.
These attitudes are visible and persist in tech, from the “male gaze” that still objectifies women, to the “crypto bro” stereotype disregarding women’s experiences within the same space. I mean, the whole Web3 movement is to create an equitable future for the PEOPLE, so naturally, we require women’s active participation – as users, designers, leaders – tapping into the full spectrum of human potential and providing opportunities for ALL.
Web3 holds promise for a more inclusive future, but we have work to do. As a WIBT advocaterep, I don’t claim to speak for women or represent their perspectives. I aim to promote substantive discussion around the very real barriers facing women entering this space based on a male’s understanding. Talking about inclusion means little without action towards meaningful change.
A recent controversy where an AI-fabricated woman named Anna Boyko was falsely advertised as a speaker at a tech conference supports that the issue is ongoing and current. This deception, intended to create gender balance among speakers, proves we have further to go in providing visibility for real, even with the number of talented women in tech.
I call on men across the in tech-sphere to self-reflect. Consider how your words, or actions and/or decisions may create unnecessary hurdles for women or perpetuate unhealthy stereotypes. We all have room for growth on the path towards equality. Small mindset shifts can profoundly impact women feeling welcome and create opportunities for them to thrive and teach us things that we may have not considered before.

This issue intersects society in complex ways and there is much to explore that cannot all be covered in one blog postpost. This importantOur dialogue should continue post IWD, as we shape the tech ecosystem and world at large to be welcoming places where all people can share knowledge and experiences. I welcome feedback from readers of all backgrounds on where we can go from here and I’m looking forward to exploring this topic more in depth, as I continue my role as co-lead for WiBT’s Brighton Global Chapter with both Rose Tighe, and Emily Ward, Chapter Lead.
#Male allies